Chinmaya Samanta

1992 Electronics and Telecomm Engg.
Mesa, AZ

I was born in Jaipur, Odisha into a family with extremely limited means. At a young age, I realized that my best opportunity for overcoming this and to live a life of fulfillment and abundance was through earning a quality education. My journey from a thatcher house with no electricity or running water to where I am today, is a testament to the difference education can make in one’s life.

A few years ago, I attended the “American Dream Experience,” a two-day educational event led by Matson Money on purpose and investing, that empowered me to evaluate what my true purpose for money – and my life – is. What I discovered is that my true purpose is to help support others in achieving the education and success in life they otherwise would not have access to. That discovery led me to an opportunity to serve alongside this group with the common mission to support deserving students complete their education. I’m also committed to helping improve infrastructures at my previous high school and personally support students in elementary and high schools finish their education.

Apart from my engineering degree from VSSUT I also have a master’s degree in Manufacturing Management from University of Toledo, OH and I am a Ph. D. candidate in Operations and Technology Management there. I lead the software engineering team at Matson Money and live with my beautiful wife Shanshan Li and son Sidharth in Mesa, Arizona. For fun, I love watching Arizona Cardinals football, Phoenix Suns Basketball, Arizona Diamondbacks Baseball, and the Indian National Cricket team.